The Adventures of Shawn and Danielle

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Week

So as an early Easter present and because it was spring break for Shawn and I, he decided to take me up north to Monterey. It was nice to get away and spend some alone time together. I get so caught up in my busy life and sometimes forget that we need time to be alone and bond. This time together was very needed and we had a great time. The first thing we did when we got there was go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. For some reason I always remembered it being much bigger.... I don't remember seeing these spotted jellyfish the last time I was there... cute.

Shawn's favorite were the Seahorses... We searched everywhere for them. Funny thing was we walked right past them when we first got there.

And of course my favorite were the sea turtles... They were tucked away hiding and we accidentally stumbled upon them, but I'm so glad we did! I love them, they are just sooooo cute!

As soon as we got home it was back to baking. I had a last minute cake pop order for a birthday the next day. Red Velvet cupcakes were her fav. Wrapped up just for her!

A couple days later it was all about Easter themed cake pops.... They took over our lives completely for a couple days, but they were just as fun!

I had to work the night before Easter so I spent most of the day sleeping, but as soon as I woke up it was over to Shawn's sisters house we went to eat for the first time that day. The best part was Shawn's delicious dessert, Strawberry pie.

Afterwards we went to my grandmother's house for a fun filled night. We had a wonderful dinner as always. My grandma is such a good cook! After dinner we had a grown up Easter egg hunt. This tradition with my siblings never gets old. I just wish my little brother Eddie was there to celebrate with us. Once all the eggs were collected and prises were given out we sat down to play the game HedBanz. Shawn absolutely loves this game and I have to admit it's pretty fun. Shawn and Brooke did the best, but grandma was probably the funniest player. In all, I had a great Easter.

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